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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Let others

 Let others

Let others lead small lives,
But not you.
Let others argue over small things,
But not you.
Let others cry over small hurts,
But not you.
Let others leave their future
In someone else 's hands,
But not you.

Where my dreams lie

Where my dreams lie 
Worlds and beyond I must say
are where my dreams lie
They go far beyond the visible sky
And deep beneath the sea floor
Even through the darkest hour I say,
I see my future so bright
Like the undeniable shine of the sun
So loud it echoes those of my dreams
Then I know I will get there now or later
For the promise of the future is so near
That I can almost feel it with the touch of my hand

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A single memory

A single memory

  A single memory
Is all it takes,
To preserve and remember
What a lifetime makes.
So wrap it up
Tight in your hand,
And never let go
For as long as you can.
For as long as you keep it
It will always be safe,
But if you let go
You’ll regret the mistake.
So I plead with you now
To never let it go,
Keep it safe from harm
From friend or foe.

Keep them forever there

Keep them forever there 

 Build for yourself a strong box,
Fashion each part with care;
When its strong as your hand can make it,
Put all your troubles there;
Hide there all thought of your failures,
And each bitter cup that you quaff;
Lock all your heartaches within it, Then sit on the lid and laugh.
Tell no one else its contents,
Never its secrets share;
When you've dropped in your care and worry,
Keep them forever there;
Hide them from sight so completely
That the world will never dream half;
Fasten the strong box securely -
Then sit on the lid and laugh.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Before you

Before you

  Before you speak, listen.
Before you write, think.
Before you spend, earn.
Before you invest, investigate.
Before you criticize, wait.
Before you pray, forgive.
Before you quit, try.
Before you retire, save.
Before you die, give.

If you sit down at set of sun

 If you sit down at set of sun

 If you sit down at set of sun 
 And count the acts that you have done,
And, counting, find
One self-denying deed, one word
That eased the heart of him who heard,
One glance most kind
That fell like sunshine where it went-
Then you may count that day well spent.
But if, through all the livelong day,
You've cheered no heart, by yea or nay-
If, through it all
You've nothing done that you can trace
That brought the sunshine to one face-
No act most small
That helped some soul and nothing cost-
Then count that day as worse than lost.

Don't stop and lose sight of your goal

Don't stop and lose sight of your goal

 Follow your dream.
Take one step at a time and don't settle for less,
Just continue to climb.
Follow your dream.
If you stumble, don't stop and lose sight of your goal
Press to the top.
For only on top can we see the whole view,
Can we see what we've done and what we can do;
Can we then have the vision to seek something new,
Press on.
Follow your dream.

If I could stop time

If  I could stop time

  If  I could stop time,
I will be in the top pest of the world
Experiencing all the joys and happy moments
If I could stop time
I would pray the Time to stand still,
Because there are still few words left unspoken:
And moments to spare with the loved ones
If I could stop time
I request the Lord to have mercy on me
So that I shall grab out all the rapturous fantasies
Oh! Time be slow for you are the greatest healer of life,
I wish and love to do all these things
If and only if I could stop………TIME!